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Everything You Need To Know (And a Little Bit more)

At this point, you are likely asking yourself: Will The B2B Growth Team Framework Work For Me?

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[Case Study] How Robin Went From $8k-$80k Per Month in Sales

[Case Study] How Norman went from 2-3 B2B appointments per week to 12 to 15 per week

Quick Wins in the first 2 weeks: Carrie

Quick Wins in the first 2 weeks: Erica

A Future Orientated Growth Framework

In 2023 a quick 'hack' or 'tactic' to get more followers or send more messages on social media will not move the needle when it comes to achieving profitable, consistent growth. Here is what to do instead...


Focus on moving your prospects away from social media and onto your own platform. Social media is a losing game because you have no control over the algorithms and who sees you. By doing this we help you stand out in a busy B2B marketplace and decide on what to sell so that you can Stop Chasing Clients

Pipeline Acceleration

Once you have access to your prospects on your own platform you can accelerate them through he pipeline by accessing them on multiple channels and approaching those that take action using our technology platforms. All while developing your authority and thought leadership

Conversion Optimization

We have found in 2023 that prospects are reluctant to get on sales calls. So a series of conversion events quickly replaces these while saving time and increasing conversion

About Mark Firth

Mark went from being a broke English teacher living in Colombia to generating almost $2m in competitive B2B Consulting marketplaces.

In early 2018 Mark decided he was not satisfied with chasing clients via LinkedIn messages and set about building a framework that means himself and his clients get high paying clients coming to them.

Mark used the business to fund a US investment visa and now resides in Lakeland, FL with his wife Paola and their 2 kids Sam + Sienna

-- Mark Firth
Chief Executive Officer
B2B Growth Team

Even More Results

We are in the business of results and we have consistently generated results working with our clients. Take a look at these results below if you can't decide if to invest in the 5 day workshop or not

Check Out Even More Results Here That Came From Implementation of the High Profit Consulting Framework

"Jenna - Finally Charging What She's Worth"

Jenna helps seven figure businesses to scale up with world class systems, so they have more time, money and freedom

Highlights - Jenna came into the program purely relying on word of mouth and referrals to generate business. Here's just one of her successes as a result of refining her LinkedIn sales funnel.

"From Wasting time to 2 brand new clients in 8 weeks''

Troy works with senior management teams and start ups to establish a strategy for blockchain and other disruptive technologies

Highlights - Troy came into the program with zero leadflow and within 8 weeks he was able to generate a MASSIVE ROI on his investment. His services don't come cheap and he got 2 new clients within 8 weeks

There are even more results to come - and if you want then you can jump to those by scrolling down.  Or you can check these free training videos to get you jump -started on LinkedIn right now

How To Build A Beautiful Landing Page That Converts

How To Build A Beautiful Landing Page That Converts

Even More Success Stories...

“Bradly - Financial Advisor - 2 x Local Clients

Brad helps high net worth individuals with financial planning.

Highlights: The biggest problem I was having with my business was that I'm a good coach, but i was finding it difficult to market to the right people and get them signed up'' . ''Marks helped me with all that and with a couple of BIG mindset shifts, mental obstacles I needed to overcome to move forwards' ''I really feel like I'm going places now

“Cat S - ANOTHER $5k Client using the 15 Min CEO Call

Cat helps coaches & consultants turn to generate organic sales on Facebook

Highlights: "Instead of pitching, I gave value and tried to see where I could quickly help her. I was me - and stood in my power and noticed and listened for what she was saying vs. what energy she was putting out

“Leah -20k in 3 weeks for her group coaching“

Leah helps ex corporate women to start and grow successful businesses.

Highlights: "Leah was struggling to find a consistent method for acquiring sophisticated ex corporate clients, the other LinkedIn programs had just taught her to post content endlessly''

“Dan S - Quick ROI after joining the program

Highlights: "I'm getting more traction than ever on my posts, and people see my profile and want to start conversations with me. I'm excited for the possibilities now I have a consistent, repeatable system to get sales appointments in the calendar''

Troy works with senior management teams and start ups to establish a strategy for blockchain and other disruptive technologies

How To find Your Target Market Using ChatGPT

Nothing Speaks Louder than Results,

The Testimonial Wall Continues..

Prefer Reading about results instead of watching videos?

Not Seen Enough Yet?.....

Wait - There's Even More....

CEO, AndyStickel.com

Read Case Studies From B2B Consultants & Service Providers

Your strategy is completely different because it's very deliberate. And what it does is it gets the right people on the phone to the point where I can make 80,000 a month with an without having to hire sales people or settlers or anything crazy like that

CEO, Powerful Practice

Thank you, Mark Firth. thank you for your incredible coaching, your program and the team that you've created that has been wildly supportive, incredibly smart and successful. So much to learn. I am in the middle of my third week right now and have more than doubled my clients, creating a business.I absolutely love

Coach, Portfolio Rocket

I started with Mark on July 15th of last year and since then have used Sales Navigator to consistently send 100 connection requests a week which now gets me 45 to 50 high quality leads without a connection message. From those I’m currently booking a total of 20-25 appointments per week

CEO, Exit Plan TV

I knew that if I wanted to be successful faster, I needed to invest and hire someone who's done it before me.  I saw Mark on a webinar and joined the program and I started booking calls pretty quickly and already within a month, I've now booked two clients that I get to help their small business grow with their marketing. And I am so excited that my dream and my passions are being fulfilled.

Marketing Strategist

''The ROI on the program is about 300% and counting within a couple of months of working with him. Uh, he's an extremely good coach as far as social selling and selling on the phone is concerned''

CEO, Michal Bohanes.com

I added one of the largest privately held automotive groups in the state of Texas. So that's a big one. It was pretty quick. Mm-hmm  I think that it's, again, it's just about doing the work. It's no different from, you know, when you're in sales or anything else, you have to make the calls. You have to, you know, put yourself out there.

Managing Partner, Dealer Mechant Services

We got you - Check out even More Results

But here's the quick story about what happened to me.  I was in the process just at the tail end of leaving New York and moving to Adelaide. I just religiously followed his techniques. In a three week period, I made five sales of 5k each.So I made $25,000 while I was living in these Airbnbs in a transition from New York to Adelaide.

CEO, TK Media

And a very exciting thing is I'm having to bring forward my new group programs because of course, you know, my one to ones is full up now because I'm using these great other platforms, including LinkedIn. It means I've been able to scale my business quicker

Coach, Pulse on Prosperity

We've got some amazing results and Have really transformed our business.  I think that's worth saying that we always come back to Mark at some point, because he always has new strategies, new tactics, new mindsets that we always wanna be a part of.

Partner, Take Two Brothers

I just immediately connected with you and I, and it, it shifted me so totally. Um, I got very clear that I wanted to make about 30,000. Um, and I did within like two months I made $30,000.

Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life

I've had three or four good consultants in my life, I believe in it. But what you do that I think makes you unique is you understand that you understand the foundations. You are the best coach I've worked with and you're constantly adapting to what is actually happening in the field.

Owner, CKD- Sales Training

I've taken the principles and applied them in my own way... took a brand new offer we launched at the start of the year from like 5k to almost 25k/mo right now (cash collected, rev is more like 30-36k/mo)

Owner, Flaming Camel Copy

Listen to what others say

My clients have done it. Mark has come and, and spoken to my client group, I've had clients who have been able to, um, bring in new sales, just from listening to what, what he's shared there. Not even working with him one on one and. His strategies are really effective.

Shay Rowbottom
CEO, shayrowbottom

My clients have done it. Mark has come and, and spoken to my client group, I've had clients who have been able to, um, bring in new sales, just from listening to what, what he's shared there. Not even working with him one on one and. His strategies are really effective.

Mandi Ellefson
CEO, handsoffceo.com

“I've seen Mark speak on several occasions and followed his journey from Colombia to the USA.  We both have done several of the same masterminds and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mark knows how to speak ”

Andy Stickel

Select Media Interviews + Media Appearances

How To Use LinkedIn Events To Target B2B Consulting Clients

argeting event attendees on LinkedIn is a super quick way to get leads in the door today… I just put together a process doc to show how you can do itPass it to your assistant / VA / team...

How To Use LinkedIn Events To Target B2B Consulting Clients

argeting event attendees on LinkedIn is a super quick way to get leads in the door today… I just put together a process doc to show how you can do itPass it to your assistant / VA / team...

How To Use LinkedIn Events To Target B2B Consulting Clientsss

argeting event attendees on LinkedIn is a super quick way to get leads in the door today… I just put together a process doc to show how you can do itPass it to your assistant / VA / team...

How To Use LinkedIn Events To Target B2B Consulting Clients

argeting event attendees on LinkedIn is a super quick way to get leads in the door today… I just put together a process doc to show how you can do itPass it to your assistant / VA / team...

Mark spoke to our clients and really helped our clients to improve their LinkedIn game and it we love his energy and attitude to help them move forwards. I've known him a long time and would reccomend him as a speaker and a person

How To Use LinkedIn Events To Target B2B Consulting Clients

argeting event attendees on LinkedIn is a super quick way to get leads in the door today… I just put together a process doc to show how you can do itPass it to your assistant / VA / team...

How To Use LinkedIn Events To Target B2B Consulting Clients

argeting event attendees on LinkedIn is a super quick way to get leads in the door today… I just put together a process doc to show how you can do itPass it to your assistant / VA / team...

B2B Consultants:  Which of these 3 outdated tactics is pushing away your best CEO clients?

Live Training: 2023's best kept secret to routinely landing whale deals without
cold messages, cold emails
or cold calling

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Mark Firth has helped hundreds of B2B Consultants get more high value clients by using unique, yet simple strategies neglected by most Consultants. He is CEO of High Profit Consulting

LIVE - Wed June 7, 2023 - 1PM ET / 10AM PT

No messages ever - why this funnel attracts 'wallet out' B2B prospects requesting to connect with us so no need for outreach

​No daily content - why daily content destroys authority and pushes away CEO's, and how the IDC framework works much better

​Create Time to scale - How this process eliminates the need to spend daily time on lead generation

YES! Register For The Live Training Now

100% No Cost - Seating is limited to 100 attendees!

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